Alexa Lindauer, M.Sc.

Alexa Lindauer conducting a frog survey at Upper Mattie Lake, Yosemite National Park, CA.

Alexa holds a master’s degree in Biology, and her research focuses on environmental factors driving wildlife disease. During her decade of field research experience, Alexa has studied amphibians in High Sierra lakes and meadows in California, ephemeral habitats in New Mexico, and streams in Panama. Alexa also has experience working in wet labs employing immunology and molecular techniques. Her position within the Mountain Lakes Research Group includes data management and analysis, field work coordination, writing and reporting, and managing the qPCR lab. In her free time, Alexa is an avid backcountry skier, trail runner, bread baker, and illustrator (see her newest children’s book, Am I Even a Bee?, here).  

email: alindauer [at]